9 Vehicles Matching:

Leasing a Kia from Montclair Car Leasing

The Cadenza Sedan, Forte Hatchback, Forte Koup, Forte Sedan, K900 Sedan, Optima Hybrid Sedan, Optima Hybrid, Optima Sedan, Rio Hatchback, Rio Sedan, Sedona Minivan, Sorento SUV, Soul EV Wagon, Soul Wagon, to the Sportage SUV – if it’s a Kia you’re wanting to lease, we’ve got all of them, unlike other car leasing agencies that might offer you a model or two. It’s not just Kias we can lease to you, however; we can lease to you any new model car from just about any car manufacturer you can name, from Acura to Volvo, right down through the alphabet. BMW, Lexus, Jaguar, Maserati, Porsche, and lots and lots of others.
Our inventory can be that extensive and comprehensive for one good reason: we don’t have to worry about where to park all of those beautiful vehicles. Why? Because we don’t have a physical car lot. Instead, our car lot is in the virtual world, all on the internet, always the exactly perfect size it needs to be to offer you most any new model car you an think of. Our having a virtual lot is a great thing in a number of ways aside from allowing us to have such variety. It also allows us to offer the lowest prices around, and affords our customers the most convenient car leasing experience possible. Read on to find out why!

Low Prices and Incredible Convenience

Those old-school physical car lots come with a price tag – a big price tag. They take lots of money in terms of property costs, property taxes, insurance, utilities, payroll for the people who staff the place, and so forth. Well, those are costs we just don’t have. This means our overhead is a lot lower than that of other car leasing agencies, and a low overhead means lower prices for our customers.
Our having a virtual lot also means our customers won’t have to arrange to find a ride to get to one of those car lots, where they’ll be followed around by some salesman who’s wanting more than anything to get them to look through their limited inventory and lease something as quickly as possible. Instead, when you lease from us, you kick back at home, snacks and beverage of choice at hand, and simply surf our site. You can do your car shopping any day of the week, any time of the day or night, all on your schedule, not according to some business’s schedule. You set the pace. Bookmark cars that interest you, keep looking around, and come back to those bookmarks later for a better look and to contrast and compare them more closely with the other cars you’ve bookmarked. Send those bookmarks to friends and family, taking them car shopping with you without having to coordinate schedules, getting their opinions as to which car would be best for you. When you lease from us, you’re the boss; you’re in control.

Great Customer Service

While we won’t be following you around a car lot somewhere, high-pressuring you into anything, we are always there for you if you need help! If you have any questions as you look around our virtual lot, just give us a call and we’ll have the answers and any help you need.
And when it comes time to think about financing, we’ll help you there, as well. We’ll work hard, talking directly with bankers and other lenders, to make sure you get a great deal with low interest rates, low monthly payments, and terms you’ll be happy with.
Then, when the time comes for you to drive your new car, we’ll bring it right to your home, office, or most anyplace else that’s convenient for you that day so you won’t even have to worry about how you’ll arrange to go pick it up. How’s that for great customer service? We make car leasing as easy on you as possible!

Contact us!

If you have any questions for us, just call us up at 908-752-4499! We’d love to have the chance to meet you – and show you how very, very different we are from other car leasing agencies, and how those differences mean variety, big savings, convenience, and great customer service for you!